Tuesday, December 14, 2021


If you want to look and feel younger, you're certainly not alone. You can take some simple steps to look younger. However, the best antidote for age is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and keep your brain active.

 1 Take a moment to smile. Simply looking like you are enjoying life can make you look younger. Frowning can make you look older, while not smiling makes you look the age you are. To seem younger, put a smile on your face.

2 Volumize your hair. Your hair can thin out over time, whether you're a man or a woman. One way to look younger is to use a volumizing product to make your hair look thicker.One way to add volume is to use a mousse while your hair is still damp. Then blow out your hair while using a round brush to lift sections. If you point your blow dryer directly at your roots, you can get even more volume.

3 Pick a matching color for your hair. Dying your hair obviously covers gray hair, which can make you look younger; however, if you pick a color that is close to your skin tone, it can help hide your thinning hair, as your scalp peeking through isn't so obvious.
  • Touch up your dye job regularly to prevent roots from showing.
4 Keep your skin moisturized. Moisturized skin looks younger and healthier overall; dry skin can make you look older. One way to help moisturize your skin is to cut down your shower time and stick to warm water instead of hot water.
  • Also, look for soaps or cleansers that have moisturizers in them to help keep your skin hydrated. When you get out of the shower, apply a lotion or cream to help seal water next to your skin, providing moisture.
  • Apply moisturizer whenever your face looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer so that it won’t clog your pores and cause pimples.
  • A humidifier in your home can also help your skin, as can drinking enough water.
1 Keep your body fit by exercising. Exercise gives you energy and keeps you active. In addition, it can help you maintain a youthful figure. It also tones your muscles and improves your balance and coordination, and it releases endorphin s to lift your mood.
  • For the best results, do both aerobic exercise to trim down and strength training to acquire shapely muscles.
  • Try to jog, walk, swim, or do other physical (aerobic) activities for 150 to 75 minutes per week; focus on the low end of that if you exercise more vigorously and on the high end if you exercise less vigorously. Aim for two strength-training sessions, such as weight lifting, a week.
  • It may seem like a lot, but 150 minutes a week is really only 30 minutes five days a week. You can break up those 30 minutes into 10-minute intervals, which makes it even easier to stay active.  

2 Drink only in moderation. Drinking too much can give you serious health problems that will make you look and feel old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers of the digestive tract, heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure, and liver disease.
  • If you do drink, you shouldn't drink more than one drink per day as a woman or a man over 65. Men under 65 can drink up two drinks per day.

3 Preserve your health by not smoking. Smoking will age your skin, reduce your stamina, and give you serious health problems. Smoking can cause a number of diseases and make you look older.
  • Smoking can contribute or cause lung diseases, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, eye disorders like cataracts, respiratory infections, gum diseases, and various cancers (from cancer of the esophagus to cancer of the mouth, lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys).
  • Even if you’ve smoked for many years, quitting will still improve your health, let your body heal, and make you look and feel younger.
4 Protect your skin with sunscreen. Tanning, whether from natural sunlight or from a tanning bed, exposes you to ultraviolet radiation which damages your skin.
  • Avoid wrinkles, sun damage, and skin cancer by using sunscreen when you are exposed to strong sunlight.
  • Spray tans have chemicals that shouldn’t be inhaled and tanning pills have chemicals that can turn cause hives, liver damage, and vision problems. If you get a spray tan, make sure you hold your breath and close your eyes, and make sure the facility is well-ventilated. You can also try using a self-tanning lotion, which is generally considered safe.
5 Stay hydrated. Hydration keeps your skin hydrated and helps you stay healthy. It helps flush toxins from your body, helping you look and feel younger. Adults should consume about 16 cups (4 quarts) of fluids thought the day — this includes water from foods, water, and other beverages, like milk, juice, and even coffee.

Eating Well to Look and Feel good

1 Keep your body resilient by eating enough protein. Your body needs protein to heal and regenerate damaged or old tissues. Two to three servings of protein rich foods per day should be plenty for the average adult.

  • 1 ounce of meat counts as equivalent to one ounce of protein, but so does a single egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans, and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
  • From age 19 to 30, women should eat 5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per day, while women over age 30 should eat 5 ounce- equivalents of protein per day. Men age 19 to 30 should consume 6 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per day; from 31 to 50, men should eat 6 ounce-equivalents, and over 50, you should eat 5 1/2 ounce-equivalents of protein per day.
2 Give yourself the energy to lead an active lifestyle. Carbohydrates provide energy for you to get out and move. You should be getting about half of your calories from carbohydrates. Try to choose unprocessed, whole grains over processed carbohydrates. For instance, eat whole-grain pasta, whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables over foods such as white bread, soda, fruit juice, or desserts. Whole grains have more fiber and keep you fuller for longer, as it takes your body longer to process.

3 Keep your youth by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. A healthy diet with fruits and vegetables will provide you with the nutrients you need for an active, on-the-go lifestyle. Try to eat the rainbow, meaning you should vary the color of your fruits and vegetables, as they all have different nutrients. For instance, greens are high in vitamin K, which can help reduce bruising, while red vegetables, such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene, which can help protect your skin from the sun.
  • On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day.
  • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, but high in fiber and vitamins. This healthy eating pattern will reduce your risk for getting cancer, heart problems, high blood pressure, strokes, and diabetes.
4 Slow down on fat. As you get older, your metabolism slows down and you want to be careful not to gain too much weight. You should keep your daily intake of fat under 65 grams.
  • Try to pick healthy fats over unhealthy fats. Unhealthy fats include saturated fats (mainly in fatty beef, chicken with the skin still on, and full-fat dairy) and trans fats (mainly in hydrogenated oils and processed foods).
  • Healthier fats include monounsaturated fats (in olive oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, peanut butter, and avocado, to name a few), polyunsaturated fats (in many plant-based oils), and omega-3 fatty acids (mainly in fish).
  • Eating too much fat increases your chances of high cholesterol, heart problems, and strokes. You can reduce your fat consumption by eating lean meats, poultry, fish, and choosing low-fat dairy products.
5 Maintain a low-salt diet. Reducing salt will help you avoid high blood pressure and reduce your chances of heart, liver and kidney conditions. While you need some salt to stay healthy, too much is not good.
  • Adults should consume no more than about a teaspoon of salt per day, which is about 2,300 milligrams of salt per day. If you have a health condition, such as high blood pressure, you need to keep your intake under 1,500 milligrams per day.
  • Read labels, as many products have more salt than you would think. Often, processed foods, such as canned vegetables, lunch meats, frozen foods, and pickles, are high in salt.

Keeping Your Brain Sharp and Active

1 Stay mentally resilient by getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will make you feel foggy, out of it, and irritable. Therefore, getting enough sleep will help you feel younger. Also, not getting enough sleep can leave you looking dragged-down, so getting your rest will also help you look younger. You should try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night

2 Dedicate time to relax and recharge. Use a relaxation technique to help you take a mental break from the world around you and reduce the physical toll that stress takes on the body. For instance, you could try deep breathing, yoga, meditation, art or music therapy, or tai chi. One way to relax through breathing is to try the 4-7-8 method. That is, breathe in for four counts. Hold your breath for seven counts, and then blow out for eight counts. Focus on your breathing as you repeat it over and over until you relax. Make sure to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

3 Take up new hobbies. New hobbies will challenge your mind, keeping you engaged in the world. In addition, you may meet people through your hobbies.
  • Keeping yourself interested in the world will keep you happier, and as was noted, happier people look younger.
  • You can try anything from cooking to woodworking to volunteering at your local soup kitchen. You could even try a sport. Try your local parks and rec department for opportunities available in your area.
4 Stay connected to loved ones. Friends and family will provide you with support, distraction, advice, and help when you need it Staying involved with friends and family will be a source of emotional fulfillment and keep you happier and engaged.
  • Try using social media to stay in touch with friends and family who are far away.
  • If you are not close with your family or don't have family but would like to talk to someone, try calling a Warm Line, which is a peer-run non-crisis hotline. You don't need to be in crisis to call — anyone who wants to talk is welcome to call this toll-free service.
  • You can meed people by going to religious services, meetups, classes, and community events.
5 Drink your coffee. Some studies have shown that drinking coffee can reduce your risk of developing dementia. So go ahead and have a cup or three a day.


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