Tuesday, November 22, 2016

11 Dos and Don'ts for Managing Type 2 Diabetes

1. Many tools can help you manage type 2 diabetes, but a detailed care plan tops the list. "A care plan helps people get organized, which goes a long way in managing type 2 diabetes and overall health," says Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, a certified diabetes educator in Los Angeles, California, and a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). "When life gets busy, it can be challenging to remember all the to-dos of managing diabetes, so a care plan can help provide reminders and accountability." The end result? Better blood sugar control. Here are 10 dos and don'ts to help you stay on track with your type 2 diabetes care plan — and your health in general.

 2.DO Check Blood Sugar Daily

Frequent blood sugar checks allow you to stay in tune with how your body responds to food, stress, exercise, and more. "Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to improving your blood sugar control," Zanini says. She recommends checking blood sugar before meals and two hours after the first bite of a meal. Also check your blood sugar after exercising and when you feel stressed to better understand your body's reaction to different circumstances.

3.DON'T Forget the Protein

 Yes, you have to watch your carbohydrates, but don't underestimate the importance of protein. "Eating refined sources of carbohydrates without also adding a source of protein can lead to blood sugar elevations," Zanini says, and that can result in diabetes-related complications. Work with a certified diabetes educator to figure out your carb-to-protein ratio for each meal and snack. "It's a simple and easy way to make sure you're getting enough protein," she says. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends plant-based proteins such as beans and lentils as well as lean poultry, fish, and eggs.

4.DO Work Closely With Your Healthcare Team

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition, and a strong support team can help you stay on track for the long haul. Lean on friends and family, but also turn to your healthcare team when you have questions. Additionally, be prepared for appointments with your healthcare professionals, says Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, a spokesperson for the AND. "Write down your questions, bring in your blood sugar log, and be honest about your behaviors and concerns," she says.

 5.DON'T Abandon Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates aren’t bad, but it’s important to focus on eating them in moderation at regular times throughout the day, Zanini says. "Realize that carbohydrates aren’t only found in bread, pasta, and rice.” Even foods like non-fat dairy, fruit, and vegetables — especially potatoes, green peas, and corn — all contain carbohydrates, so be sure to keep track. "Carb counting gives you so much flexibility," Weisenberger says. "Create a carb cheat sheet that includes 20 or more of your usual food choices and portion sizes for each food, and the number of carbs in that amount.

6. DO Indulge in Favorite Treats on Occasion
 Don't make your favorite foods off-limits, but do plan for them. Keep the portion small and make it an occasional indulgence. "Trying to live without favorite foods leads to feelings of deprivation, which can undermine your efforts and resolve," Weisenberger says. Choose when to dig in, such as on Friday night, when at a restaurant, or another time that feels right for you. "The key is to plan it and to swap out another food for it.

7.DON'T Get Dehydrated

While you're carefully monitoring your type 2 diabetes meal plan, don't forget to consider what you are — or aren't — drinking. "Water is essential," Zanini says. "Hydrating properly helps dilute our blood, which helps lower blood sugar." Even mild dehydration can impact your blood sugar level.  Keep a refillable bottle with you, drinking and refilling throughout the day. And if the taste is just too plain, add a slice of lemon or lime for flavor.

8.DO Manage Stress

Stress causes the body to produce more sugar, which accumulates in your cells, according to the ADA. Chronic stress can prevent optimal blood sugar control, Zanini says, and when you're stressed out, you're less likely to take good care of your body. Pinpoint stressors in your life and find ways to diffuse them to better manage your type 2 diabetes. To help reduce stress, try exercising regularly and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive relaxation, and positive self-talk.

9.DON'T Neglect Exercise

Getting regular aerobic exercise can help you shed pounds and lower blood sugar for hours afterward, Zanini says. Strength-training exercises are also essential. "Strength training improves insulin sensitivity at least as well as cardiovascular exercise," Weisenberger says. "It’s best to engage in both because their sum is greater than either of the two alone." Opt for resistance exercises like lifting light weights at least twice a week on nonconsecutive days.

10.DO Commit to Not Smoking

If you have type 2 diabetes, smoking worsens disease control and causes problems with medication dosages, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It also puts you at increased risk for significant complications, from circulatory problems to heart and kidney disease to eye and nerve damage. Refraining from smoking can promote better health and better blood sugar control. "Seek out smoking cessation resources or ask for help from your doctor to create a support system to help you stop smoking

11.DON'T Let Type 2 Diabetes Control You

Neglecting your health and inadequately managing type 2 diabetes will lead to complications down the road. Instead, take advantage of the many resources out there to help you keep your type 2 diabetes under control. Although it's hard work, it’s worth it. "Taking care of yourself is empowering," Weisenberger says, "There is power in words. Instead of saying, 'I can’t have that,' say, 'I choose not to have that.'"

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